State Water Efficiency and Enhancement Program (SWEEP)
Applications are Closed
Through SWEEP agricultural operations can receive up to $200,000 for the implementation of projects that BOTH conserve water and reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions!
Starting early 2024 farmers could apply to Block Grant Recipients, like VCRCD, directly for SWEEP funding. More information on eligibility and application process below.
SWEEP is a highly competitive grant with limited funding. Not all applicants will be awarded funding.

Interested in financing more efficient agricultural irrigation systems?
SWEEP, first developed in 2014 in response to severe drought, provides financial incentives for California agricultural operations to invest in irrigation systems that save water and reduce GHG emissions.
Projects may include multiple strategies that result in environmental benefits, including, but not limited to, irrigation scheduling technologies, improvements to irrigation system efficiency, pump efficiency improvements, and installation of renewable energy.
Costs are reimbursed, but don’t worry you can apply for an advance to get your project started.
Click here for a list of eligible SWEEP projects and their requirements.
SWEEP funding has traditionally been a direct-to-farmer grant program from CDFA. The purpose of the pilot block grant program is to accelerate the disbursement of funds and better coordinate community needs for technical assistance.
Under this pilot program, qualified organizations like Resource Conservation Districts can disburse funds to eligible farmers, ranchers, or agricultural operations for on-farm projects.
SWEEP is competitive and prioritizes assistance to Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (SDFRs) and farms and ranches that are 500 acres or less.

Eligible Applications
- Eligible grant beneficiaries include: California farmers, ranchers, Federally- and California-Recognized Native American Indian Tribes, and non-profit organizations engaged in agricultural production.
- For this program, an agricultural operation is defined as row, vineyard, field and tree crops, commercial nursery, nursery stock production, or greenhouse operation producing food crops or flowers as defined in Food and Agricultural Code section 77911.
- Proposed projects must quantify BOTH water savings and greenhouse gas emission reductions by using CDFA’s quantification tools.
- Grant beneficiaries can apply for a maximum of $200,000 for eligible practices with no more than 25% of the budget toward labor costs.
- Awards are limited to one per agricultural operation using their unique Federal Tax Identification Number per grant solicitation.
- VCRCD is accepting SWEEP applications within our service area: Ventura, Santa Barbara, Kern, LA, and San Luis Obispo Counties.
- With the recent pause in the SWEEP Direct–to–Producer solicitation, CDFA has encouraged Block Grant Recipients (BGRs) to work with Technical Assistance Providers (TAPs) to expand our service areas as funding allows. As the southernmost BGR, VCRCD has allowed agricultural operations outside of all BGR service areas to submit applications to us, spanning from Fresno to San Diego County. Due to the overwhelming interest from outside of our original service area, VCRCD capped SWEEP applications from outside of our service area after Friday 2/9/2024.

Please note
VCRCD's Block Grant
service area
Ineligible Applications
- University and research farms are not eligible for funding.
- Medicinal and recreational cannabis operations are not eligible.
- An agricultural operation or individual cannot receive a total cumulative SWEEP award amount of more than $600,000 (since the SWEEP program was initiated in 2014).
- Proposed projects cannot remove previously funded SWEEP projects.
- Proposals cannot request the same practices previously implemented through SWEEP funding on the same APN.

Sorry VCRCD’s Official SWEEP Block Grant Application is Closed!
- November – December 2023 – VCRCD Grant training & staff onboarding.
- January 2024 – SWEEP Grant applications open for agricultural operations.
- Starting April 2024 – Finalized applications will be ranked and submitted to CDFA for funding approval on a quarterly basis while funds last.
- Late 2025 – This round of SWEEP Block Grant funding ends.
- Fill out the online Official VCRCD SWEEP application. (Application now closed).
- Submit supporting application documents to VCRCD staff by the end of the second month within each quarter. Supporting documents include: well pump test results, electric and energy bills (last 12 months), proposed project description, design and maps, vendor quotes for proposed project components, and a proposed timeline for project implementation.
- Follow-up meeting with VCRCD staff to discuss your application.
- Complete SWEEP quantification tools for water and GHG reduction calculations. VCRCD can assist farmers with these quantification tools.
- Applicants review final applications before submission for quarterly review.
- Finalized applications are ranked on a quarterly basis and submitted to CDFA for final approval as long as funding allows.
- Applicants notified of status of proposed project: approved, postponed to next selection round, needs revision, or declined.
- Approved and selected applicants sign contracts before work on proposed projects begins.
Applications will be ranked based on several factors.
- Proposed project water and greenhouse gas emission reduction potential on a per acre basis.
- Applicants identifying as small or medium Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (SDFRs) on their application will receive expedited review.
- Applicants identifying as small and medium operations, but not SDFRs, will be prioritized for consideration.
- Under no circumstances, short of exhausting funds, will any eligible applicant be denied access to SWEEP services or funding consideration based on their operational status or social identity.
The Farmer Equity Act of 2017 defines “Socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher” to mean a farmer or rancher who is a member of a socially disadvantaged group. “Socially disadvantaged group” means a group whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic, or gender prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities. These groups include all of the following: (1) African Americans (2) Native American Indians (3) Alaskan Natives (4) Hispanics (5) Asian Americans (6) Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.

Questions about SWEEP? Contact VCRCD
Emily Nye
Agricultural & Environmental Sustainability Specialist
Johnagustin Zecua
Resource Conservation Technician
¡Hablo español!
Jamie Whiteford
Executive Director