The purpose of CCWAMMP is to provide technical and financial assistance to farms that implement agricultural management measures (MMs) that improve nutrient and pesticide management and on-farm irrigation efficiency in the Calleguas Creek Watershed (CCW).
To download an application, use this link for English o para Espanol.
What does the funding cover?
Irrigation Efficiency Upgrades
CCWAMMP can cover up to 60% of the cost of on-farm improvements that reduce water use and increase water-use efficiency. Example projects include filter replacements, purchase of soil moisture systems, and conversions of overhead sprinklers with micro sprinklers. All projects will be considered so submit an interest survey NOW!
Who is eligible?
Agricultural operations within the program focus area are eligible. The program focus area is the Calleguas Creek Watershed so farms in this watershed (Moorpark down to the Pacific Ocean) will be prioritized. Farms outside of the CCWAMMP focus area may be able to apply for other VCRCD programs such as IIMRLN or Fire recovery.
What is the timing?
Submit your interest survey NOW or you will miss out! Applications must be received by May 1, 2021 to allow time for consideration and approval. As of March 2021, there’s still plenty of funding left to fund improvements!
Contact Jamie Whiteford at or (805) 764-5132.