Ventura Watershed Instream Flow Enhancement and Water Resiliency Regional Framework (VRIF) Program
What is VRIF?
In 2019, Ventura River Watershed partners and collaborators came together to create a framework to enhance stream flow, defined by the Wildlife Conservation Board as “a change in the amount, timing, and/or quality of water flowing down a stream, or a portion of a stream, to benefit fish and wildlife.” This two year planning project, funded by WCB and administered and coordinated by the Ventura County Resource Conservation District, had over 32 stakeholders participate and over 24 planning projects from municipalities, water districts, groundwater agencies, commercial businesses, private and public schools, local and national organizations, as well as private landowners.

Project Management

As lead agency, the Ventura County Resource Conservation District provided all aspects of project management including managing the agreement, administering subcontracts, progress reporting, final reporting, data management, and stakeholder coordination.
Ventura River Instream Flow & Water Resilience Framework and Toolkit
This Framework outlines actions to enhance stream flow while promoting water resilience for the health of the community and the Ventura watershed. It was created as an overview of actions which under current conditions may enhance stream flow through water quality of water quantity improvements.

25 Design Plans Along the Ventura River Watershed