Organic Transition Pilot Program (OTP)
California Department of Food & Agriculture (CDFA) Organic Transition Pilot Funding
The OTP grant program is designed to provide direct financial assistance for eligible expenditures and improve access to knowledge and technical assistance, including business planning, for farmers and ranchers with land under transition to organic (pre-certification). Farmers & ranchers can receive up to $60,000 in financial assistance for qualifying costs associated with becoming organic certified.
VCRCD was awarded funding Spring 2024, started accepting applications Summer 2024, and estimates selection of grant beneficiary cohort Fall 2024.
Application Now Open

Eligibility Requirements
- Must be over 18 years of age
- Must be engaged in commercial agriculture or have a plan to market their agricultural products for profit after organic certification
- University, research and non-profit organizations’ farms are not eligible for assistance
- Must have an Organic System Plan (OSP) developed, or have a plan to develop one
- Must show that you lease, own, or otherwise have stable tenure or access to the fields where project activities are proposed to occur for the entirety of the project duration. If leasing land, you must provide written approval from the landowner.
- This VCRCD OTP Program will prioritize Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers (SDFRs)
- The Farmer Equity Act of 2017 defines “Socially disadvantaged farmer or rancher” to mean a farmer or rancher who is a member of a socially disadvantaged group. “Socially disadvantaged group” means a group whose members have been subjected to racial, ethnic, or gender prejudice because of their identity as members of a group without regard to their individual qualities. These groups include all of the following: (1) African Americans (2) Native American Indians (3) Alaskan Natives (4) Hispanics (5) Asian Americans (6) Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.
Maximum $30,000 available for applicable costs to each selected farmer and rancher, including:
- Equipment and repairs suited to organic practices or processing produce
- Inputs for transitioning acres, included animals and their feed for ranches
- Fees and services: Certifications, Trainings, Consultant fees
$1,000 per acre available for soil building or land preparation, up to 30 acres, including:
- Custom services for soil preparation or planting
- Organic inputs including IPM
- Organic soil amendments or their source material
- Ecosystem enhancements including supplies and equipment
Total potential award of $60,000 per farmer or rancher
Allowable Costs for financial assistance to farmers, General Award ($30,000 maximum per farm):
- Organic livestock, poultry, and related expenses, such as animal health management required by organic standards
- Organic feed
- Educational materials, training on organic certification and production, or meeting attendance, in addition to services offered by the block grant recipient organization
- Inspection and certification fees
- On-farm water or soil testing fees
- Outside consultant fees if desired, as for development of an Organic System Plan (OSP)
- Farming supplies to be applied to organic farming on the transitioning acres, such as organic-approved plastic mulch
- Farm equipment and repair to that equipment, where equipment is specific or widely preferred for organic farming of the type expected to occur on the transitioning acres
- Qualifying equipment must be drawn from the following list, or authorized by CDFA: (1) Compost production, storage or spreading installations and equipment; (2) Weed management tools such as flamers or tines, tarps, row cover; (3) Transplanting or direct seeding equipment; (4) Intercropping equipment and modifications; (5) IPM-aligned equipment; (6) Other cover-cropping equipment
- On-farm processing and distribution equipment (e.g., peelers, coolers, produce washing, sorting and sizing bins, refrigerated vehicles for transporting whole or minimally processed food) where it is applicable to the products expected from transitioning acres.
Field-preparation Award (additional) ($1,000 per acre for up to 30.0 acres, $30,000 maximum)
These costs must be applied directly to specific acres undergoing transition. Such costs can also be covered by the General Award if the farmer or rancher
- Organic seeds and starts, including cover crop seeds
- Organic fertilizers
- Organic pest control inputs;
- Ecosystem enhancement supplies and equipment (e.g., hedgerows, owl
boxes, riparian area protection) - Compost, compost building materials, and similar organic amendments
- “Custom farming” operations (e.g., contracting out to perform planting).
Examples of unallowable costs for financial assistance to farmers and ranchers include but are not limited to:
- Property or land rent or lease
- Taxes
- Owner or employee labor
- Inputs for land outside the defined transitioning field(s), or for animals not
dependent on the transitioning field(s)
Application Live
Download CDFA’s Letter of Commitment (LOC) and submit with application

Questions about OTP? Contact VCRCD
Emily Nye
Agricultural & Environmental Sustainability Specialist
Johnagustin Zecua
Resource Conservation Technician
¡Hablo español!
Jamie Whiteford
Executive Director