Looking to the Future for Invasive Species Management
The Ventura County Resource Conservation District is currently working in partnership with the Ojai Valley Land Conservancy (OVLC) and Pax Environmental, Inc. to prepare and submit applications for all relevant regulatory permits needed for invasive species removal in the Ventura watershed. By working with the Army Corp of Engineers, US Fish and Wildlife Service, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board to obtain the required permits, OVLC and VCRCD, ensure a collaborative and streamlined approach. In addition to the permits the RCD holds for the upper reaches of the Santa Clara River, these necessary permits will help to build on the RCD’s on-going efforts to manage programmatic permits assisting with invasive species removal.
These permits that are currently in the application stage for the Ventura River will help to facilitate Ojai Valley Land Conservancy’s efforts in removing giant reed (Arundo donax) from lower reaches of the Ventura River watershed. The RCD will hold these permits and ensure that any organizations interested in obtaining coverage for invasive species removal in the Ventura River Watershed can seek coverage through these permits.

The Ojai Valley Land Conservancy has made significant strides towards completely eradicating Arundo from the Ventura River Watershed. In 2021, OVLC conducted drone surveys of Arundo infestations in the riparian areas of the upper watershed. OVLC surveyed 36.4 miles of riparian corridor and identified about 250 acres of Arundo remaining on Lion Creek, San Antonio Creek, and the Ventura River. In 2022, OVLC was awarded a CAL FIRE grant to obtain programmatic permits and CEQA for Arundo removal throughout the watershed and treat 14 acres at Ventura County Foster Park. Since 2007, Arundo removal projects have accomplished removing and restoring 270 acres of the Ventura River including three sites where OVLC worked with Ventura County Fire Department to conduct initial treatment of 20 acres of Arundo in the fall of 2022.
This year, OVLC proposes to utilize new permit authorizations to accelerate removal of flammable Arundo across the watershed. The project is a collaborative partnership between the OVLC, Ventura County Resource Conservation District, and landowners across the Ojai Valley dedicated to climate resilience and fire protection within their communities. For information on their efforts, click here, or click the icon below to go to their website.
Can The RCD Help Me?
These programmatic permits are not yet live and active. However, if you are interested in receiving coverage for invasive species removal in the lower reaches of Ventura County watershed, click the link below for more information.