Ongoing Invasive Species Mitigation Projects
Overview of VCRCD’s Active Programmatic Permits
If you live in the Ventura County region, you might have seen the 20-foot stands of giant reed (Arundo donax) peeking out of the riverbeds of many of our watersheds throughout the county. This massive grass aggressively takes over riparian areas, soaking up large amounts of water, crowding out habitat for native vegetation and the native wildlife that live there, and increasing fire danger with large, tall stands of dry tinder, thus posing a greater threat to watersheds, wildlife and human communities.
The Ventura County Resource Conservation District Programmatic Permit program was specifically designed to facilitate the removal of giant reed and other invasives such as tamarisk (Tamarix sp.) from the reaches and tributaries of the Santa Clara River watershed. Permits held by VCRCD’s Santa Clara Arundo/Tamarisk Removal Program (SCARP) are used to facilitate this effort. It is important to note that the SCARP permits only cover work in the portion of the Santa Clara River within Los Angeles County.
As permit holders, VCRCD is responsible for applying for and maintaining the most recent permits from the regulatory agencies that have jurisdiction within the watershed. These agencies include, among others, the Army Corp of Engineers, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board.
Since VCRCD maintains current regulatory permits, entities wishing to initiate Arundo and/or Tamarisk removal do not need to approach each of the agencies involved. Instead, entities wishing to conduct removal efforts pay VCRCD a nominal fee to cover the costs of providing the existing permits and to verify compliance with permit requirements.
Community members, organizations and agencies can carry out removal of this and other invasive species in the upper reaches of the Santa Clara River, and the Ventura County Resource Conservation District can assist with this effort. As permits are already in place to conduct removal of invasive species from the upper reaches of the Santa Clara River, individuals or community organizations interested in requesting coverage by these permits for removal of invasive species can request more information from Rachel Ray, rachel.ray@vcrcd.

What Are Programmatic Permits?
Programmatic Permits cover specific practices over a specific area that are issued by various agencies. The purpose of obtaining these permits was to simplify complicated permitting processes and allow potential users the opportunity to come to one entity to obtain all or most of the permits needed. Our Programmatic Permits specifically address removal of invasive plant species.

Where Are The Permits?
The VCRCD holds the permits, and maintains them. They cover the Los Angeles Portion of the Santa Clara River (also called the Upper Santa Clara River).
The concern of invasive species as a fire hazard, flooding hazard, and destruction of native and critical habitats, moved the VCRCD to obtain a permit that would make it easier for people to remove invasive species.
How Did VCRCD Get These Permits?
VCRCD, through grant funding, performed all necessary document preparations (including CEQA), and applied for each individual agency’s permit to obtain these programmatic permits. Costs for each set of Programmatic Permits was over $1M.
Which Programmatic Permits Does The RCD Hold?
The RCD holds Programmatic Permits for invasive plant species removal in the Upper Santa Clara River (LA County). This includes permits for:
- Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit,
- US Fish & Wildlife Service Biological Opinion,
- California Department of Fish & Wildlife’s Streambed Alteration Agreement, and the
- Los Angeles Regional Water Quality Control Board 401 Certification.
Can They Help Me?
Anyone can use these permits in Cooperation with the RCD. Since the RCD is responsible for meeting permit requirements and providing regular reports, users have to sign a cooperation agreement. The minimum cost is $3,000 plus a 5% of project cost fee. The total fee does not exceed $8,500. Our program requirements package explains in detail the elements required to use these permits.