Education Programs
The Ventura County Resource Conservation District believes that education and appreciation leads to responsible stewardship. By connecting all communities to our environmental resources we hope to foster future conservationists.
We offer several forms of educational programing.
- Tabling at various events
- Offering field trips
- Providing presentations to local community groups
- Working with schools to offer on site experience based learning
- Coordinating various learning opportunities, such as guided hikes, webinars, and speaker panels.
To learn more email
Request a Pollinator Presentation
We are available to speak to clubs, libraries, community groups, and schools.
Pollinator Education Resources
This compilation of learning resources was created for educators.
The VCRCD offers webinars, guided hikes, and speaking engagements concerning wildfire safety and mitigation.
Summer Program for Agriculture Families
This program will be offered to households who work in the agricultural industries in Ventura County through various partner agreements.
Coastal Cleanup Day
We serve as the general coordinators for the County wide Coastal Cleanup Day efforts and offer outreach on behalf of the program.
Request a VCRCD Outreach Table
Ventura River Watershed Council
VCRCD are the coordinators for this watershed based group focused on increasing education about our watershed and relevant projects. Coordinators are available for outreach and classroom presentations.
Santa Clara River Watershed Committee
Retired Grants:
Santa Paula Coastal Access Program
Fish Hatchery Outdoor Classroom