Agricultural Environmental Water Quality Assistance (AEWQA)

Coming Soon!

VCRCD has been awarded funds through the California State Water Resoures Control Board as part of the NONPOINT SOURCE POLLUTION CONTROL PROGRAM grant.

The purpose of AEWQA is to accelerate and incentivize the implementation of sediment, nutrient, and irrigation management practices on agricultural and equestrian operations in the three major watersheds (Ventura River, Santa Clara River, and Calleguas Creek) of Ventura County. The goal of this project is to mitigate pesticide and nutrient runoff and improve water quality in accordance with relevant Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs).



Eligible Projects & Site Selection Criteria

Appropriate projects would include those growers seeking to implement the following agricultural project types:

  1. Irrigation Management and Water-Use Efficiency Measures 
  2. Sediment and Nutrient Management Measures
What does funding cover?
AEWQA can cover up to 60% of the hardware costs of on-farm improvements. Applicants are required to cash match the remaining 40% of hardware costs and 100% of labor costs. Proposals are subject to a per project cap dependent on funding remaining and proposed scope of work. 

Agricultural Operations must be located one of these three watersheds:

  1. Ventura River Watershed (HUC 18070101)
  2. Santa Clara River Watershed (HUC 18070102)
  3. Calleguas Creek Watershed (HUC 18070103)


Applications will be ranked for funding consideration based on:

  1. Sites that exhibit high modeled water savings and erosion reduction potential;
  2. Drainage areas, described by the Ventura County Agricultural Irrigated Lands Group (VCAILG) as Responsibility Areas, that exceed water quality benchmarks as per the 2017 VCAILG Water Quality Management Plan; and 
  3. GIS-mapping to identify parcels where proposed irrigation and soil management practices will be most impactful to water quality benefits.

Prioritization Map

Coming Soon


Application Process

  1. Submit online google-form application.
  2. VCRCD staff review and rank applications. Estimated starting October 2024
  3. Applicants notified of proposal status. Estimated starting December 2024


Questions about AEWQA? Contact VCRCD

Johnagustin Zecua

Resource Conservation Technician


¡Hablo español!

Vic Akundzadah

Irrigation Specialist


Emily Nye

Agricultural & Environmental Sustainability Specialist


Jamie Whiteford

Executive Director
